RE at Queniborough CE Primary School
Our RE Leader is Mrs Charlotte Watson.
Aims and Objectives
- To develop a knowledge of all key religions (recognising the Christian foundation of the school).
- To explore those aspects of human experience which raise questions about the meaning of life.
- To develop skills of interpretation to help children understand the significance of religious beliefs and practices.
- To encourage a sensitive attitude towards the beliefs of others and guide children in their maturing ability to think about questions of belief and value for themselves.
Teaching and Learning
We follow the Agreed Syllabus for Leicestershire supported by the syllabus from Leicester Diocesan Board of Education and Understanding Christianity.
RE may be linked to topic work and other subject areas. A variety of teaching styles such as storytelling, discussion, drama, pictures, music, artifacts, etc. should be used to cover the program of study. Children will be given first-hand experience where possible to explore places of worship and talk to people of various faith communities.
Work will develop from pupils’ own experience of the local area and then be linked, extended, and enriched to reflect the wider diversity of religion in Britain today.
To develop continuity and progression, we will follow the school long term plan in which ‘Understanding Christianity’ units and RE Today units have been positioned to ensure links between concepts flow.
- Please click here to see our RE policy in full
- Please click here to see our RE curriculum planning
- Please click here to see our Intent and Impact document for RE
- Right of withdrawal - By law (Education act 1988, parents/carers may withdraw their child from RE if they wish. Parents can request that a pupil be fully or partly excused from RE and the school must comply.