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Queniborough C.E. Primary School

Church Langton CofE Primary School

School Uniform

The school dress code at Queniborough CE Primary School is smart, safe, suitable, and sensible.

Please click here to view the full uniform policy

Our uniform consists of a combination of:

Item of Clothing


Plain Jumpers/ sweatshirts/cardigans


Polo shirts

Red or white

Plain shirt or blouse


Fleece (For outdoor wear only)

Navy blue or red

Plain Trousers/ shorts/ cullottes/shorts/ skirts

Navy blue

Summer dresses

Blue and White checked (gingham)

Indoor Shoes



Navy blue or white

PE kit item


Round necked T shirt



Navy or black

Tracksuit bottoms or joggers

Navy blue

Tracksuit top/ Sweatshirt

Navy Blue


Black or Navy Blue

Swimming Costume/ trunks


Swimming cap



How to find school uniform

You have a number of options for ordering school uniform:

- MY Clothing (formerly Tesco Uniforms) to order online - Click here.
- Fusion School and Work Wear – Click here.
- Fairtrade school uniform company, Koolskools - Click here.

How we ensure our uniform is ‘good value’ and accessible to all

It is our priority to ensure that uniform is of low cost and that parents are able to access second hand uniform.

  • Parents may opt for their children to wear a plain or logo/ branded uniform. Plain uniform is available from all supermarkets and other suppliers at a low cost.
  • Logo/ branded uniform can be purchased from one of our 2 suppliers at a low cost.
  • Our Friends of Queniborough School PTA (FOQs) run second-hand uniform sales at school events over the year.
  • The school holds second hand hand stock and new uniforms in all sizes. Parents should speak to the office or their child’s class teacher at any time.
  • Pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding can receive funding for part of their uniform costs. Parents should contact the office for support.
  • We encourage families to pass uniforms down through siblings and friends.
  • Our indoor and outdoor shoe system allows parents to send their child in low cost plimsolls for indoor shoes and trainers for outdoor. Expensive black school shoes are not a requirement at Queniborough.


Children should wear appropriate footwear for school to ensure their safety.

Queniborough has an ‘indoor’ and ‘outdoor’ shoe policy to provide comfort while learning and to keep our carpets and classroom floors clean where pupils sit. This also enables children to enjoy the outdoors without being concerned that their footwear is too dirty to wear indoors.

Children are required to have a separate pair of dark, clean, flat and comfortable indoor shoes and these will be left in school (until they need to be replaced). Children need a further pair of trainers or outdoor shoes that can also be used for outdoor PE.


Pupils may wear a plain watch or a fitbit/sports tracker.

Children in Year 5 and 6 are able to wear one set of small plain gold or silver studs in the ears, but no other jewellery is permitted due to health and safety issues and liability in case of loss. NO jewellery (including earrings*) may be worn in PE activities. Children who cannot remove their own earrings should learn to do so or have them removed before they attend school on their PE day. If pupils wish to have their ears pierced, they must arrange this at the beginning of the summer holidays so that the wound has sufficient time to heal.

*In exceptional cases soft rubber stoppers for earrings may be worn. Please check with school if your child may need these.